[Bugzy Bogart] Lord you said once I decided to follow you you would walk with me all the way But I have noticed that durin' the most troublesome times of my life There is only one set of footprints I don't understand why when I needed you most You would leave me Dear God Can I have a minute? Why'd you make such a beautiful place? Fill it with hate then sprinkle AIDS in it? You take the lives of innocent kids like they did it? The same minute one's born another one's gone You blamin' the people cuz we slaughtered your offspring He died and you tried to pass him off as an offerin' There's some who don't believe you they read through The first part of the bible don't believe in the sequel Or speak Hebrew to try to please you Why give us free will and then incarcerate us if we choose evil? We call evil illegal here disciples are priests But it's bleak because for real priests are just people Little boy confided in 'em priest slides it in 'em No disciplinary action 'cuz police try to get him to testify But he's too embarrassed and the parents Agree to keep it quiet they take money from the parish Now he won't say shit so the pastor's not banished Simply relocated and the case could just vanish Why place spanish and blacks back in the hood where the good die young Because on every corner there's a spot you could buy guns The streets flooded with diseases people sleep on the concrete bloody from needles Babies malnourished Mommy no money to feed you But keep praying baby girl don't worry he sees you [Chorus: Yendi] Every time I see you walk - then I believe You talk - then I believe You prove it - and I'll believe Improve - and I'll believe You move - and I'll believe You show me - I'll believe You know me - I believe Every time I see you I always believe in you Don't know why you got me suffering I don't know what to do Why don't you show me the way So I can believe in you I can't go on feeling like this today So why don't you show me the way? Just show me the way [Bugzy Bogart] I gave you the world and you killed my son You question me curse me and you're still not done You pray let me survive this Lord and I promise, Lord That for the rest of my life I'll live honest Lord You live by the sword and then cry When somebody that you love dies by the sword Shit I did it to the dinosaurs So don't think for a minute that you'd win and could survive this war You should've took Bin Laden as a warning Cuz ya'll are just characters the earth a cartoon that I'm drawin' And don't come cry to me Cuz your quality of life doesn't have nothing to do with equality Homelessness and poverty? It's not my fault you can't divide properly there's plenty of property 59 billion acres of land for six billion people That's nearly ten acres for each man That's why I extended the waters to reach land So each man could carry his weight with each hand You can't always win sometimes you gotta fail Cuz success can't teach the lessons defeat can If I offered a cure for AIDS Y'all would blame me For all the jobs lost and it would all be my fault the same But what about 9-11? 2,800 died but 47,000 more survived Now let me ask you a question if the world is so bad Then why do people get sad and mourn and cry When people that they love die? Shouldn't they be happy? or jealous even?? Oh you'll miss 'em??? so then it's selfish reasons Men started up this cycle of sin You want answers? you better breeze through the bible again I'm a leave you with this I gave Adam and Eve Eden There's people that's not believing that I even exist [Chorus: Yendi] Every time I see you walk - then I believe You talk - then I believe You prove it - and I'll believe Improve - and I'll believe You move - and I'll believe You show me - I'll believe You know me - I believe Every time I see you I always believe in you Bugzy Bogart: My son I love you and would never leave you During your times of trial and suffering When you see only one set of footprints It was then that I carried you