A little piece of flesh Inside my hand . So sweet, young and innocent She was, to me. Raped her dead, Like Simon said. Took the maidens life. Whith my special knife! Running, screaming- yet, I caught her away Simon Sent me. -To make this deed in Jesus name Moaning, Whining, twisting, turnin, passion burning- I really think she liked my taste. -Tearing Scratching, bleeding, breathing, choking, dying- oh It felt so heavenly! On the ground , She was found. Slaughtered beyond recognition. Silent, Sleeping- the papers called it brutal death, Tell me, Simon- Do you think they´ll find her dead? Moaning, Whining, Twisting, Turning, Passion burning Searching body parts for hours dragged the lake to find her back spine. there I stood and watched them Crying, Moaning, Whining. Running , Screaming, Twisting, Turning, passion Burning, I really think that Simon`s proud. Tearing, Scratching, Bleeding, Breathing, Choking, Dying. Oh- it felt so heavenly. (Part 2 "The Funeral") We`re gathered here today, to lay to rest Marry-Ann-Parker May "God" take her into his kingdom and protect her virgin Soul. The Lord won´t take this child today only "Gods" servent are granted. That little sinner isn´t pure that bitch must burn in Hell. So sweet , So dead.