The white knight is creeping through the forest Where the eastern king is sitting on his throne Moon shining light disturbs the autumn silence The Christmas fairy hasn't got a home Luck carefully blocks out the castle windows While Magus sits and weaves the lonely web Two lovers in the maze have lost their reasons And Marie Antoinette has lost her head Don't look at me, Everything is free Set the table quickly, James, We'll be thirteen for tea The captain has just lost his only spyglass Tony Perkins pushing cars into the moss I don't know if there's time, but please believe me We've got to get the leader off the cross The Tongs are chasing butterflies with razors And when they meet the fleet they'll have some fun I thought I heard the sound of distant thunder Perhaps it's Rodger practising the drums Don't follow me, To the angel by the sea Set the table quickly, James, We'll be thirteen for tea You suddenly came into my mind Suddenly was all I could find, Nobody but you It isn't just a game Picture needs no frame, Don't blame the brain drain I'm told that flying saucers have been sighted That's the news I've waited just to hear It means that all our guests are on their way in I'm sure that very soon they will appear I think I see them climbing up the hill now Their robes are flowing gently in the air So Oluf better quit his nails and hide them And find the little prince an easy chair Don't look at me, Everything is free Set the table, James, We'll be thirteen for tea