How you gonna try to be someone When no people can see you oohh How you goona try to open those doors When you don't use the handle haaa You cant walk till you move and you're in control Ride the groove be in touch with the vibrations Oooohh oohh yeah, ride those vibrations Whne you gotta be the hero You don't know What it is What to do How to do it But what you need to do Is fight through All the powers in your hands It's what you know to be true Who should we listen to? How can we knnow it's true? Where is the power in my hands? I'm not really seeing clearly Oh dear me I grow weary But I ain't stoppin anytime soon So hear me Ohh I feel love inside ugh Ohh it's like a rising tide Ohhh I feel the love from you Ohhhh I'm like a man on the moon Yeah yeah Gimme the sounds of compassion Yeah yeah Gimme grounds for some passion Yea yeah Move your body and enhance love Yeah yeah Keep it moving for elation Yeah yeah Gimme kisses and some hugs too Yeah yeah I'll hug all day if I have to If you cant see it Then how will you dream it? And if you can't dream it Then how will you be it? So you better beat it If you won't believe it Because if it ain't you dreaming Than it's gonna be me