How much wood could I chuck If I gave a flying fuck about chucking bits of wood? I wonder if I would, or would I just do the same And say it's what I do when I don't do it everyday? Just take the process as my name and now I feel ashamed When I say it's what I am I am lying to your face! I'd like to say I'm what I love If I loved chucking wood, I don't think that I would chuck enough Oh if peter piper picks a peck of pickled peppers, does peter pick them forever? And does the pepper picking really define our peter piper? Now would I still be a woodchuck If like peter I picked peppers but I chucked wood when I could And should I give a flying fuck If you see a pepper picker or you see a woodchuck? It'd be nice to be defined by what we love But I don't think that we think that we're good enough We're all imposters who've been riding on luck Posturing until the day that we're eventually shown up Pray tell the shadows of what we project to be affixed to us A pessimistic pest exists amidst us Face fears they find out your fakery I think you are where you deserve to be When definition wields weight over you Know rational people feel like they're faking it too