Fear and hate in your pupils. You show me your prejudice. Refused, murder looks until you kill. My own being with an insane mind. Ashes and dust in population. Is the vision about the infection. I am the black sheep, but I can resist. Destined to live, mummified by society. Mummified by Society Mummified by Society (Mummified) Break the fucking chains of oppression. (Of Society) Remember your principles. Carry on with yourself. Don't be their disciple. Don't be another puppet. Don't be another puppet. Face the enemy in the streets of lies, blood and hate. Fury in our eyes. We will resist in this crazy world. Fuck! World of shit! Rubbish in your face! Rats! Wretched rats! You will burn. See you in hell! Mummified by Society Mummified by Society (Mummified) Break the fucking chains of oppression (Of Society)