A wind of hatred is blowing across the field I am the voice of the Clans The leader of the Highlands and we have come here for blood and victory [Pre Chorus] Before my army I speak the great words of war... Brothers, they may take our lives but they'll never take away our freedom [Chorus] Scotland! I hear you call my name, now as we ride towards our aim England! I damn you as I cry... Pay for the blood on the Highlands and die! You took my father's life You raped and killed my wife In God's name I swear I'll get my revenge The great rebellion I bring will slay you and your foul king I am the legend, the brave, the proud, your fate [Pre Chorus] The last words are spoken, now hear them roar in the wind... Brothers, they may take our lives but they'll never take away our freedom [Chorus] [Solo Both, Dahl, Nyberg] [Bridge] We may loose the battle We may loose some men But still we have showed the world that no one can take away our freedom [Chorus]