Cryptic Fog

Living Plague

Cryptic Fog

Buried deep within the ground
They see no sight they hear no sound
Forgotten spirit, upon a stone
Decaying flesh and rotten bones
Hear the calling and start to wake
Below your feet the earth does quake

No consceince left for sanity
Consuming victims constantly
Empty eyes of onyx fright
Knowing no wrong and feasting at night

Morbid stench of maggots grave
A single soul of none they save
Fearing nothing pushing on
Playing a game of lost and found
One purpose on this earth they serve
Takes whats theirs they dont deserve
Spreading plague throughout the race
Rising in their proper place

No desire to domesticate
Feeding on at ant rate
Spilling blood at any cost
Forsaken lives that once were lost
Remore doesnt cross their mind
For their minds are lost forever in time
Tearing through the fabric of fear
Viciously mauling death is near

Bodies stacking high and dry
Grieving innocence hear their cry
Immenent death is here to stay
To late to stop the dawn of day

Once was advanced now primitive
Giving death to those who live
Raging hunger never satisfied
Into their mind they dont confide
Simple task they must obey
Letting no victim run a stray

Carry no burdon they show no defeat
No sadness, pain, or being descrete
Savage creature hunting the night
Seeking a soul to put up a fight
Casting a shawdow so eerie in size
Waiting till they meet their demise