Politico-psycho war whoremongers Blinded by the beaty of death Derivatives of power conceded by the hour Death may be all we have left A contagious form of psycotic neurosis The final insult To a stiffening corpse Drape the flag He died for his country Medals of glory Brought by slaughter Deprivations of humanity Ignorance of motives Driven on by all the war chiefs Weak as death as he falls to his knees The wasted life the souls forgotten Calmness enfolds His lifeless slumber But he's dead, He will not awaken Destructive minds No vestige of sense Bide their time Bodies are spent Feed your lies Of political sense Dismembered kin, The visage unremembered International sin, No territory unsurrendered Body of a man, A man torn limb from limb Extraction of life, The tattered shell within Destructive minds No vestige of sense Bide their time Bodies are spent Feed your lies Of political sense Enemy within, Land that filled with torture End of all that's been Civilisation fractured (stop this!) Carnage all around Madness reigns it's terror Deafening lack of sound Bound in death forever Destructive minds No vestige of sense Bide their time Bodies are spent Feed your lies Of political sense Afteramath of battle On fields of slaughter Reeking with the stench of decay Ignorance of motives Driven on by all the war chiefs We have killed all we could slay The countless dead the bodies lie rotting Fighting to die For this country of mine But in the end What have we accomplished Destructive minds No vestige of sense Bide their time Bodies are spent Feed your lies Of political sense Destructive minds destroy