Abre los ojos bastardo, hijo del dios cristiano, Clavado en esa cruz, deberás pagar por tus pecados, ¿dónde está ahora tu falso padre? Él no puede salvarte de tu cruel destino, Ahora soy yo, el que rija los momentos finales, De tu miserable, vida... siiii!! Weak and unfortunate character called Christ, Assume that your life has been nothing else that a breat lie, We are here now to torture you, And turn your terrible pain into our joy, I impose this crown on you to appoint you As weak god!! Tu cruz se convertirá en un símbolo de martirio, Para que tus seguidores vean, lo que les espera, Tú, sólo has sido, el primero borrego en caer!! Todos debéis desaparecer, de la faz de la madre tierra, Bastardos inquisidores de una falsa religión Os quiero ver sangrar, y sufrir hasta morir!! Fields will be full of execution crosses In which you´ll slowly die without piety It doesn´t mind if you´ll implore pardon Because we won´t feel any compassion for you And your smouts will be music to our ears!! In your dying bodies We´ll thrust our knives, to make you incisions, To put into them our hands, and to poke around your dirty entrails, Making your torment, to be the most cruel, That human mind, would have ever imagined!!