Cruz Gago

I Tried To Forget

Cruz Gago

As I want to meet again
I'm alone, I need you
As I want to hug you crazily
Look in, in your eyes and say
Doesn't live without you

Time goes on, falls the night and the day comes
I try to fake, but doesn't give to hide
I dreamed in the vacant nights with your love
I proved your kiss, I hurt my pain

I tried to forget you, didn't give
I thought I was stronger than that love
Oh, my passion, I am yours
No matter how much I want to disguise as I am
My heart denies to accept
The time goes on and I don't forget to love you

Time goes on, falls the night and the day comes
I try to fake, but doesn't give to hide
I dreamed in the vacant nights with your love
I proved your kiss, I hurt my pain

I tried to forget you, didn't give
I thought I was stronger than that love
Oh, my passion, I am yours
No matter how much I want to disguise as I am
My heart denies to accept
The time goes on and I don't forget to love you

I tried to forget you, didn't give
I thought I was stronger than that love
Oh, my passion, I am yours
No matter how much I want to disguise as I am
My heart denies to accept
The time goes on and I don't forget to love you

I tried to forget you, didn't give
I thought I was stronger than that love
Oh, my passion, I am yours
No matter how much I want to disguise as I am
My heart denies to accept
The time goes on and I don't forget to love you