This one goes out to the people ship-wrecked Stuck in places and thinkin theres no turning back Something hurts inside and the heart sinks Resting in drugs or searching for answers in drinks A maze of a billion questions And a thousand ways to end it So many traps and false illusions On the way to the exit People get down on your knees Lift your eyes up to the one who Set me free... This life is not a bed of roses Even if you still think it is Everybody in this world is in need of his love To be strong to refuse to resist Hungry hearts have to be filled up Are you in need of his love and can`t get enough Read the book and understand the word That you can no longer fall Further than into his arms Set me free... Do you really know the reason why I do this Do you really know the games so foolish People we don't need that bullshit So get on all you people in the moshpit Set me free...