I feel like a Hibakusha Marked with scars of another's affairs Helpless to defend my honor Who knew the bushido could fail Hammered bamboo and broken backs Living under the red dot flags It sits alone amidst the white Like targets- Fire what you will Down here in dystopia Kill who are and where you're from You'll still receive your labels On the tops of uni-bombs Abandon tradition It obviously failed you now On papal thrones and minutemen Absorb your propagandic vows Can you see beyond the clothing Can you see beyond the skin Can you see past the mindset That you have grown up having I feel like a Hibakusha Boasting burns of another's ordeals Hopeless to preserve my name when Brothers rise with wills of steel Burn my kimono in the streets Do you like my flag pins Sure patriotic they may seem But I don't want them Am I breathing - It's so easy To exhale words of condescension Like an open tap Just by living- I can't help it Suddenly, nailed to the board Like butterfly displays Of 'my name is' tags