(Chorus) Hoochie, Coochie Everything It's all hidey-ho shake the party drink forties the rodeo. (2X) Cold Hard, Never, Wild, Kilo, finna bring it on. Gitty up when I look around everybody's zoned. Bustin' out with the Tonka Toi bout to make some noise got the crowd the brothas proud of the Flict boyz. Rollin' down the avenue real slow, lookin' for a freaky deek that's good to go. Who we gone pick lord we don't know. Whoever we pick got to be slick and throw down with that rodeo. I can't take this anymore you keep on knocking at my door. Why you wanna waste my time in and out of my life. Tonight's the night we ride the rodeo. (Chorus) Gitty up now drop down to the flow Rodeo can you ride it some might brag a bit then don't know how to ride a lick. What's happenin' Rodeo make a move and get down wit it. Toi with the clique from Conflict Rodeo ride it. Sitting here in my bedroom thinking of all the things you can do when you touch me in all the right places my toes curl up I just can't take it. You told me that you cared and you wanna stay away but why can't you stay for awhile and play. Tonight's the night that we ride the rodeo. (Chorus) (Bridge) Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up now. Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up now. Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up. Gitty up now. Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up now. Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up now. Gitty up, gitty up, gitty up. Gitty up now. Tonight is the night that we ride the rodeo.