Despondency, Deliver us from evil, The diction poisons my soul To believe, The eloquence of your conviction, I regret ever knowing your name Defame the hypocrites and vow that they will suffer These tirades will end with your demise, My heart beats nothing but hate Clear the lines, you cowards, Godforsaken, armies of pure defiance Defame the hypocrites and vow that they will suffer Nearing the end of the time Where you will find that fated touch And succumb to the woes that follow you Will you follow a path not walked before? To rise and fall against the will of God Please, Grant me the strength, the strength to carry on For my will to survive is fading away I stand here waiting for you To rise and fall against the will of God Please, Grant me the strength, the strength to carry on For my will to survive is fading away I stand here waiting for you