Oh let me show a scary thing Horrified, suicide we don't understand a thing Killing yourself that's not the way Blinded, weak open your fuckin eyes Hey man stay human oh Can't you see your self destruction Isn't there another way To survife to find peace in eternity Chorus You're not the only suffering one Take a look see reality You only think of your fuckin' self And this is just the beginning Eternal destruction Has your life got a meaning Useless, pointless why is this to be You're pretending to be surplus Agony is not the longing end Write all over this again Don't try to find this bloody end Illusions are running after you Stop locking back and start again Chorus Can't understand the way you think Indiferrence, depression hey what's wrong with you We don't know how to help Helpless, useless eternal destruction near you What the hell talk to us This all makes us feel so isolated You're to depressed to try again You've started your execution