HOOK: We're goin' live this life We're goin' live it right Not just talk it but walk it cause we're goin' live for Christ We're goin' hold it down, stone cold, hold our ground All my soldiers RISE UP, SPARK THE HOLY CULTURE BLAAW! Repeat HOOK VERSE(1): You know the squad is a collection artist Blessin' our God regardless of the fact we're engulfed in this godless world that's spiritually broke like when folks are jobless no spiritual ear like when corn is cob-less No spiritual sight, no optics No wonder spiritual life is hard to grasp like rice with chopsticks We need our heart fixed, pull out the heart-kit If change is gonna come then God has to spark it We don't need another material object We need to be re-plugged back into God, He's the socket We'll meditate on His law but won't exhaust it God'll take our heart and carve it like Boston Market HOOK VERSE(2): Sin kills like arsenic, God is pure, but some can't stomach His cure like when you're car-sick Dead right, you need a headlight- you're headed for darkness Get Christ---you get life---you're dead as a carcass We're tellin' men that your sins are red as a carpet He won't just forgive you He'll turn your debt into profit You need to sweat Him, and let Him get in the cockpit Halt the "co-pilot" talk you need to stop it Man, you ain't in a Benz you're in a rocket Life's too heavy for you, you men will drop it We saw fit to take His path and walk it Was on a high horse but got kicked right off it Fought with Christ but we were forced the forfeit Had a towel but we were forced to toss it Had ego but thank God we lost it Sin's signal was strong but thank God He crossed it HOOK (x2) VERSE(3): Oh, what a sight now, we're living right now Use the skills until we put the mic down Check it, yo, cause the flow is like a nightgown Rep Christ for life so you know we've got the right sound And though the world is godless we thank God that God has called us from being ballers, and players, and pimps and alcoholics Times are hard but even still we must run our hardest "Run like Forest," with a limp, but we run regardless! For His glory we wanna be the flyest artist But because of what our vocals be socially we may die as martyrs Might have to take flight and say our "Sayonara's" But that's alright we're meeting Christ in the sky tomorrow So no more weed in us, or Hennessey in us We've been freed indeed, we've got His seed in us so while you're teasing us, He's gonna present us faultless and blameless because He died for these sinners Repeat HOOK