Raise the battle-axe unto their skulls in the bliss of spilling blood on enemy soil. Towards the synagogue, with thirst for Semite blood... From a trail of churches Burning. Under the Haunting Moon, with sword in hand I ride and I exalt the horns of battle towards the sky. I slay the souls of the Jesuit creed, and bathe in their curdled blood. Forsaken, their armies fell. Those who died did not die a quick death. They would drown in their brother's blood, at my feet upon battle ground. Victory shall be ours, as we march to battle drums. [conjuration to Lucifer] LUCIFER - OUYAR - CHAMERON - ALISEON - MANDOUSIN - PREMY - ORIET - NAYDRUS ESMONY - EPARINESONT - ESTIOT - DUMOSSON - DANOCHAR - CASMIEL - HAYRAS - FABELLERONTHON - SODIRINO - PEATHAM - COME, LUCIFER, AMEN. I conjure thee demon lords, I conjure thee to come forth in Battle! [Conjuration to Beelzebub] BEELZEBUB - LUCIFER - MADILON - SOLYMO - ADRICANOROM - MARTIRO - TIMO - CAMERON - PHORSY - METOSITE - PRUMOSY - DUMASO - ELIVISA - ALPHROIS - FUBENTRONTY - COME, BEELZEBUB, AMEN. [Conjuration To Astaroth] ASTRAROTH - ADOR - CAMESO - VALUERITUF - MARESO - LODIR - CADOMIR - ALUIEL - CALNISO - TELY - PLEORIM - VIORDY - CUREVIORVAS - CAMERON - VESTURIEL - VULNAVII - BENEZ - MEUS - CALMIRON - NOARD - NISA - CHENIBRANBO - CALEVODIUM - BRAZO - TABRASOL - COME, ASTAROTH, AMEN.