Creighton Doane

Dear Frankenstein

Creighton Doane

This is a letter from the grave 
From a patient you couldn't save 
Your deviation has deviated 
I don't want to be what you've created 

Dear Frankenstein 
Give me back my heart 
Give me back my eyes 
And mind 

It's like it never ever ends 
I live this life over and over again 
Pieced together with wire and thread 
And all the sadness of the living dead 

Dear Frankenstein 
Give me back the peace 
Give me nothingness 
Give me the end 

You're like a selfish little man 
Who could never understand 
The bits of broken hearts 
Whose sum is greater than their parts 
So if I am your child 
You have been living in denial 
Don't let me take another breath