Creation Is Crucifixion

Antenna Builder Aka Engineer An Inverse Cellular Network

Creation Is Crucifixion

We are resistor. Antenna builders. Resist resistor. Antenna builder. Cellblock Virus. Spectrum Damage. Invert, emit. Data Network. Resist broadcast. Sweeping signals. Towers are ours. Our TX band. A network lives as a virus. An airwave lives as a virus. A broadcast lives as a virus. We can machine our own virus. We have identified the problem. Our communication tools have been stolen. The airwaves and antennas were built by our hands and our voices.
It is with these hands and with these voices that we will: reclaim the antenna's, disrupt the carrier signals, steal the devices, and broadcast new content; our own content created with our own voices, our own hands, and our own code. We must build the virus and we must build the antennas. We are coders. We are technologists. We are reverse engineers. Emit a sweeping carrier signal of noise. Oscillating within the 800mhz band. A voice and data network built with our tools. As technologies evolve, so must activist tactics. We are resistor. Antenna Builder.