Tom: Db i have found ze right tabs. though i doubt anyone will get their guitar to sound quite like the ones in the song. dont get the guitar confused with the bass. introduction: |-------| |-------| |-6-4-7-| |-6-4-7-| |-4-2-5-| |-------| listen to the song and figure out yourself how many times to play each repeat four times middle: |------------------------------| |---------------11-13----------| |-6-4-7----8-10-10-12-8-10-8-6-| |-6-4-7----8-10-8--10-8-10-8-6-| |-4-2-5-x4-6-8--------6-8--6-4-| |------------------------------| again, listen to the song and figure out yourself how many times to play each repeat four times ending: |---| |---| |-6-| |-6-| |-4-| |---| play until the singing stops if you think these are correct, vote! otherwise, send hatemail or something. * if your band is playing this song, please do not use a fake accent. thank you.