
Merry Christmas Emily


Merry christmas Emily 
Merry christmas Emily 

Emily was twenty three 
Sitting on the ground 
Under a dead palm tree 
6th and Speedway 
On Christmas day 
Seemed like things were gonna go my way 

But we had some good times 
Drinking cheap wine and popping pills 
Spending the holidays 
Getting drunk at the rusty nail 

Emily from a good family 
They fucked* your head [* messed in the radio version] 
And sent you to me 

'Its a Wonderful Life' 
Is playing on TV 
I still think about you 
Do you think about me 

(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
I still think about you do you still thing about me 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
Merrry Christmas Emily 

It may have seemed 
like i was down and out 
But my insurance claim 
Was still paying out 
You were heading back up 
While I was going down 
So I reformed the band 
To try to keep you around 

Then we had some bad times 
Drinking wine in the summer heat 
A couple loud arguments 
Standing in the middle of Congress St. 
So there's Emily 
Under the dead palm tree 
Its Christmas day 
And its like 80 degrees 
I still think about you 
Do you still think about me 

(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
I still think about you 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
Merrry Christmas Emily 

(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
I still think about you do you still think about me 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
Merrry Christmas Emily 

(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily) 
(Merry christmas Emily)