Cracked Skull


Cracked Skull

Fear is implanted in your head
By propaganda, by a system that exploits, exploits the misery
Misery is profit, in this efficient gear
They want more than your flesh, they want your spirit

Paranoia, a collective fear remains constantly
Paranoia, an inminent attack made by the state

Fear is implanted in your head
By propaganda, by a system that exploits, exploits the misery
Misery is profit, in this efficient gear
They want more than your flesh, they want your spirit

Paranoia, a collective fear remains constantly
Paranoia, an inminent attack made by the state

Who own our lives?
Who chooses the social rules?

Paranoia, a collective fear remains constantly
Paranoia, an inminent attack made by the state

Terrorism is the loss of freedom
When you accept the condition, condition to obey
The social contract
To lose your individuality, in name of a corporative state