Down in a violent river, uncertainty hanging over us Crossing a desert of ignorance Now the humankind dominates technology and science But remains arrogant Promises arise and disappear, but the blood doesn’t stop Doesn’t stop gushing We can rise or conform Selling our spirit to the monetary system We can rise or conform We can exterminate us, in the age of reason We can rise or conform Living like a social zombie We can rise or conform Perish in this decadent form To fill the existential void Gods and demons invented To fill the existential void Money and devastation accumulated To fill the existential void Economic dictatorships invented To fill the existential void Class divisions invented To fill the existential void Gods and demons inventede To fill the existential void Invented an image of divine Demented men proclaim themselves chosen by some God They decrees ethnic cleansing, they ignore the rationalism They use archaic scriptures to promote hatred And proclaim themselves masters of the pale blue dot Power, addictive like a drink, addictive like a drug That will never satisfy, but always arouse the exponential Desire/desire for more, slave of superego What is freedom? Feeling alone in this pale blue dot Two steps away from the abyss Religious fervor grows while atrocities occur Atrocities occur! Hidden behind a golden mask How did tutankhamun By ashamed to admit what we in fact are Seeking an insatiable hungry for power To self-affirm in this irrelevant point Through ignorance and fear