Choke! Choke! Choke! Devil's we evoke! Thirst! Thirst! Thirst! Suffer til you burst! Cry! Cry! Cry! Fire burn your eye! Try! Try! Try! Crushed beneath the sky! Die! Die! Die! Knowing just as I A small pain A little pain A big pain A great pain! Growing here and growing there! Growing slowly everywhere! And the creatures chant While the spirits rise While a dead man lives A living man dies Growing here and growing there! Growing slowly everywhere! Choke! Choke! Choke! Devil's we evoke! Thirst! Thirst! Thirst! Suffer til you burst! Cry! Cry! Cry! Fire burn your eye! Try! Try! Try! Crushed beneath the sky! Die! Die! Die! Knowing just as I Smell my flesh burning! I'm turning black!