Water and wine Jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be temped of the devil 40 days and 40 nights he did it Without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away On the last supper with his disciple he brought bread and said, this is my body He take the wine and said, this is my blood 30 pieces of silver, he betrayed him through one kiss by greeting Judas had to do this because it was prophesied And the soldiers that held Jesus mocked and smote him The wipe occupied with nails beaten on the innocent skin Beat them into his flesh and blood is all around A crown made of thorns they push on his head and they laugh and call him "King of Jews" to suffer from sins Loaded with a heavy cross his body overlocked with wounds and the crow is standing beside his way Simon from Kyrene helped him to carry On top of the mountain Golgatha, the place of skulls, he was executed his cross in the middle "like it charge to the king" with nails in his hands and feets he dies, the humans son Father! In your hands I lay down my spirit...