In ancient times was born the Duncan Among the Druids, the Hunter's son Sacred to this tribe, a mighty warrior Every single battle he fought he won The greatest chief his clan ever knew All over the Highlands he was revered Divine blood flowed through his veins By all his foes his blade was feared Then the christians came (4x) The Duncan's clan fought the christians With fire and steel for many years But too many christian soldiers came The Highlands soon were drowned in tears chorus: Swords shine in the highlands The blood of christians flows Swords shine in the highlands Yet the one god lie still grows Statues of the gods now desecrated Druids slain and holy trees cut down The Duncan grew old a miserable fugitive Robbed by the enemy of his crown His sword was broken by christian might The old Duncan died stripped of all worth To Hell his evil wicked soul descended But the Master sent him back to Earth Reborn the Duncan the son of a whore Fathered by the ancient god of the spear Still remembering his mortal life past A child he already inspired terror and fear Growing up in the dark Highland woods An outcast by birth yet a king by blood Already a killer and rapist in his teens Pledged his life to the most unholy god chorus: Swords shine in the highlands The Duncan lives another time Swords shine in the highlands Oh! Hear his wicked rhyme Again he became the fiercest of warriors Guided by the Master in his war god guise Swords flock to the mighty Duncan reborn All youngsters dissatisfied with christian lies The Duncan clan returned to ways of yore His blade forged anew amidst pagan cries Shining swords march against the Christ Doom of the church fills the Highland skies Then the christians died (4x) The Duncan leads his clan into battle Fighting for the glory of the ways of old Beheading priests with his Lochaber axe Finally crushing the foreign faith's hold chorus: Swords shine in the highlands The Duncan rides once more Swords shine in the highlands For the glory of the gods of yore Many a loch reddened by christian blood No mercy for the Nazarene's slaves Slaying and killing, raping and pillaging Piles of christians rot in mass graves Churches are burnt all over the land Victory is achieved the triumph of hate Total destruction for the Master's glory The Duncan has finally fulfilled his fate Centuries the Duncan ruled his lands His rightful rule restored once and for all All memories of the cursed creed erased The king had truly heeded the Master's call chorus: Swords shine in the highlands Fulfilled is the Duncan's fate Swords shine in the highlands For the glory of lust and hate