Welcome the future, give us the cancer A good solution, in fact the answer Radiation's good for mankind There is no danger, says Mr.Narrowmind This is a good decision Says an over weighted, fat politician They say that they making amends Funny religion, dollars and sense What the hell's the matter with you people When will you ever learn This war on the world you cannot see Day of doom is what you'll learn The madman of today, destroys the world And your voice will never be heard We refuse to see and lie, or commit suicide No one will ever know how much you've cried All they care of, is their financial success But the health of their own children, they couldn't care less What the... The real retards Nature's got us by the throat We can no longer hide Time has come to vote If we shall live or die God made this dying world I can tell Still you send it into hell I sing you this nice lullaby, before you go to bed To give you some bad cosncience, the guilty out of their head 'cos no one's free 'til everyone's free, this I will make you see Nature's crying for deliverance, start to make it breathe