Monsters of the night Friends from below Come say hello to our new home Make them scream Make them sweat Give them a halloween They’ll never forget This halloween You gonna be listening to me Bet you never thought that I’d end up this way Free from your grip Absolved of your power You are now listening to my witching hour My witching hour, m-my witching hour This halloween Let’s go get candy This halloween You ready? This halloween Is mine This halloween I’ll shine This halloween Divine No more wasting my time You ain’t even alive You dug your own grave Now how about you get inside I want candy (when do I want it?) I want candy (I want it now!) I want candy (give it, give it) I wanted candy but you told me no All you did was ridicule me What for!? You’re giving me shit cause I’m trying to grow Truth is I had no idea what I wanted Haunted by your presence Couldn’t tell my heart was rotten Had to die just to restart it So alone like a ghost I continued my search Devouring screams to fulfill this urge Leaving those with fear in their souls Is the only I’ll ever feel whole Because I figured out How to scare people Into caring for shit that Really matters And that’s all that matters To me I want I want I want I want