I can feel i am going a little numb It's an old habit to clear my head. I don't like things that surround me It wraps all around me And my nerves and my heart go dead Hit the wall of real life and all the romance ends The learning curve looks like a cliff again It won't hang you up proud like the pictures you drew You won't always like it, it won't always like you Is it the grace that stumbles The power that falls The days we are brave to get up at all For the long walk, and the hard race Breathe in, breathe out in this broken place A lot of what i've done i would not now do You can't call it brave cause i never knew The results of the toys i brought home through the years Prince charming always bored me to tears They say the blade is a hard way to hold the knife And you can't eat the scenery in a colorful life But there's a comfort in knowing just how much to take Of whatever scares you enough to keep you awake I am forward motion in a car i can't drive Afraid of the dark, do i sleep through the ride