I search for the idols of power... godhood is my destiny. Occult cryptograms marked with alien lexicon beckon to an extra-dimensional force An intense glow surrounds me... As I ascend the steps of the Cydonus Montis --- Rumored are the great peaks to behold such wonders A terrible beauty for mortal ken to behold Rust-red mists of sand batters my skin Endurance reduced to nothingness --- Time lapses for what seems eternity While crawling the foreboding plateau My mind races frantically, aversion to alien fiends Morbid fear induced by the Codex Incubo --- "This ancient tome promises inestimable power, a dominion contested by none. I have arrived at the peak to attain this otherworldly accolade, but at what price shall it be achieved..." --- A quest for omnipotent blessings is cut short Atop the gloomy mountains of mars, the Cydonic idols stand The seeker of unearthly wisdom betrayed by curiosity Trampled into dust by a tenebrous ebon hand...