"This country," he shouted, "I've now rated X" By smut, we're polluting, youngsters learning of sex A serious crisis of great proportions we've got Perverting our morals with mind warping rot "Worse than cocaine, more fiendish than pot, Makes me believe it's a communist plot," He roared as he galloped through every state My hand I'll be raising to signal his fate A lot of critics express great dismay That our freedom of choise he is taking away But Edwin Meese said: "Who cares what they say," "Only I can decide what is decent today" Now he carried out what he had planned At 7-11 all Playboys and othhers were banned Protecting the public from sellers of slime A couple of stores threw out People and Time The birthplace of smut which I have traced Because it offended me I'll have it erased Video rock which is filthy and lewd And "Heavens to Betsy," I'm hardly a prude So Edwin Meese galloped onward with pride uncovering porn with each shaking stride Whatever the outcome, it can't be denied He has taken the whole U.S. for a ride