
The Haughs Of Cromdale


Tom: Am

   Am                                       G
As I cam’ in by Auchendoon, just a wee bit fae the toon,
 C       Em      Am     Em         Am       Em         Am
Tae the Hielands I was bound, tae view the Haughs o’ Cromdale,
   Am                                             G
I met a man in tartan trews, speired at him what was the news,
     Am                                      G         Am
Quo’ he, The Hieland army rues that e’er we cam’ tae Cromdale.

[Verse 2]

   Am                                                   G
We were in bed, sir, every man, when the English host upon us cam’;
    C    Em      Am     Em   Am       Em       Am
A bloody battle then began, upon the Haughs o’Cromdale.
    Am                                                             G
The English horse they were sae rude, they bathed their hooves in hielan’ blood,
    Am                                           G          Am
But oor brave clans they boldly stood, upon the Haughs o’ Cromdale.

[Verse 3]

      Am                                                   G
But, alas, we could no longer stay, and o’er the hills we cam’ away,
 C      Em     Am      Em        Am      Em       Am
Sair we did lament the day, that e’er we cam’ to Cromdale.
 Am                                                 G
Thus the great Montrose did say, “Hielan’ man show me the way,
Am                                             G          Am
We will o’er the hills this day, tae view the Haughs o’ Cromdale.

[Verse 4]

      Am                                             G
They were at dinner every man, when great Montrose upon them cam’;
   C      Em     Am     Em    Am      Em        Am
A second battle then began, upon the Haughs o’ Cromdale.
     Am                                            G
The Grant, Mackenzie and Mackay, as Montrose they did espy,
 Am                                        G          Am
Then they fought most valiantly, upon the Haughs o’ Cromdale.

[Verse 5]

     Am                                                      G
The Macdonalds they returned again, the Camerons did their standards join,
 C    Em             Am     Em   Am       Em        Am
McKintosh played a bloody game, upon the Haughs o’ Cromdale.
     Am                                                   G
The Gordons boldly did advance, the Frasers fought with sword and lance,
     Am                                             G          Am
The Grahams they made the heads to dance, upon the Haughs o’ Cromdale.

[Verse 6]

          Am                                          G
Then the loyal Stewarts wi’ Montrose, so boldly set upon their foes,
 C        Em       Am        Em    Am       Em       Am
Laid them low wi’ Highland blows, laid them low on Cromdale.
    Am                                                G
Of thirty thousand Cromwell’s men, a thousand fled to Aberdeen,
    Am                                               G          Am
The rest o’ them lie in the plain--- they’re on the Haughs o’ Cromdale.