Tom: G -G- -C- -G- Scotland will flourish by the sweat of our labour -C- -G- -D- The strength of our will and the force of our mind -G- -C- -G- Forget the old battles, those days are over -C- -G- -D- -G- Hatred corrupts and friendship refines -C- -G- Let the Scots be a nation so proud of their heritage -C- -G- -D- Wi' an eye to the future and a heart to forgive -G- -C- -G- And let us be rid of those bigots and fools -C- -D- -G- Who will not let Scotland live and let live -C- -G- Let us govern our country wisely and fairly -C- -G- -D- Let each man and woman work with a will -G- -C- -G- And Scotland will flourish secure in the knowledge -C- -G- -D- -G- That we reap our own harvest and ring our own till -C- -G- And let us be known for our kind hospitality -C- -G- -D- A hand that is openly proffered to friends -G- -C- -G- A hard working people, proud and unbending -C- -D- -G- Scotland will thrive and win out in the end -G- -C- -G- Aye, Scotland will flourish by the sweat of our labour -C- -G- -D- The strength of our will and the force of our mind -G- -C- -G- Forget the old battles, those days are over -C- -G- -D- -G- Hatred corrupts and friendship refines -C- -G- So let us be known for our kind hospitality -C- -G- -D- A hand that is openly proffered to friends -G- -C- -G- A hard working people, proud and unbending -C- -D- -G- Scotland will thrive and win out in the end