Coro do Tabernáculo Mórmon

Saints Bound for Heaven

Coro do Tabernáculo Mórmon

Our bondage it shall end, by and by, by and by,
Our bondage it shall end, by and by;
From Egypt's yoke set free;
Hail the glorious jubilee,
And to Canaan we'll return, by and by, by and by,
And to Canaan we'll return, by and by.

Our deliverer he shall come, by and by, by and by,
Our deliverer he shall come, by and by;
And our sorrows have an end,
With our threescore years and ten,
And vast glory crown the day, by and by, by and by,
And vast glory crown the day, by and by.

Though our enemies are strong, we'll go on, we'll go on,
Though our enemies are strong, we'll go on;
Though our hearts dissolve with fear,
Lo, Sinai's God is near,
While the fiery pillar moves, we'll go on, we'll go on,
While the fiery pillar moves, we'll go on.

Though Marah has bitter streams, we'll go on, we'll go on,
Though Marah has bitter streams, we'll go on;
Though Baca's vale be dry,
And the land yield no supply;
To a land of corn and wine, we'll go on, we'll go on,
To a land of corn and wine, we'll go on.

And when to Jordan's floods, we are come, we are come,
And when to Jordan's floods, we are come;
Jehovah rules the tide,
And the waters he'll divide,
And the ransomed host shall shout, we are come, we are come,
And the ransomed host shall shout, we are come.

Then friends shall meet again, who have loved, ho have loved,
Then friends shall meet again, who have loved;
Our embraces shall be sweet
At the dear Redeemer's feet,
When we meet to part no more, who have loved, who have loved,
When we meet to part no more, who have love.

Then with all the happy throng, we'll rejoice, we'll rejoice,
Then with all the happy throng, we'll rejoice;
Shouting glory to our King,
Till the vaults of heaven ring,
And through all eternity we'll rejoice, we'll rejoice,
And through all eternity we'll rejoice.