Under starless night on the slopes of Mount Parnassus He reveals is fateful story to the priests When his only son became one with the Aegean He embarked to find the Pythia of the East The clerics wring their brittle hands Three voices meld and speak as one "Give us the gifts you've brought for Pythia And all your years of grief shall be undone." With laurel leaves wrapped around his body, He proceeds on Sacred Way The Oracle his last remaining chance Head down, she breaths the ground Rising mist turns her words to prophecy Revered in frenzied state Parnassus-born Procession ends at eagle's height Adytum bathed in crimson light He falls before her sacred feet Calls for his son to live anew Her wailing echoes through the sky Her proclamations shake the earth Vapors command her to sing Above the Castalian Spring Far away, the sound of mourning wakes him from his dream Her tawdry spell a revelation of her fallacy He ascend her throne with resolution And impious absolution His desperate wish forever lost to time Head down, she breaths the ground Rising mist turns her words to prophecy Revered in frenzied state Parnassus-born