They never took the time To understand the pain behind his eyes and now they stand and they ask why The answer to me has always been in clear view This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you Let me bleed Let me die I've fallen so far and I'm not getting up this time Cut my vein let me die if you would be so kind I have someone waiting for me on the other side Amore Eternally Amore eternally When I asked you how you wanted to die You looked at me and calmly replied, Like a comet shooting across the sky Everyone will point and stare and say, Oh my They'll never be able to forget me Not even if they tried Let me bleed Let me die I've fallen so far and I'm not getting up this time Cut my vein let me die if you would be so kind I have someone waiting for me on the other side Amore Eternally Amore eternally