Sweet lemonade on ice, chocolate cake piled high Icing flick upon the fingers of the birthday boy He blew out all the candles, got his wish within the hour A shiny new guitar his daddy bought him And I watched him run around, gettin dizzy falling down Oh I wish how I could join him I want to giggle like the children, be silly for a while Silly like the fools we are Oh ignorance was blissin’, it was easy to believe Momma and daddy were invincible, america was beautiful From sea to shining sea No slavery No slaughtering of the buffalo The world was black and white Couldn’t sleep on christmas night And all my doggies went to heaven Oh oh I want to giggle like the children, be silly for a while Silly like the fools we are Come on lets giggle like the children, children’s all we are Let’s be silly like the fools we are Who are we, to be so bold To think we are as wise as we are old The more I see here The more I’m certain, I’m blind Through the forest and the fields Down the mountains through the hills The more I see here, The more I’m certain I’m blind Well I read a lot of books You know I took a lot of class Philosophy, religion, sociology I’m a presidential scholar, I got a presidential seal On the degree collecting dust down in the basement Well I’m given up the search You know I’m going back to church Give me law and give me scripture Give me Jesus I want to giggle like the children, be silly for a while Silly like the fools we are Come on lets giggle like the children, children’s all we are Let’s be silly like the fools we are Yeah lets giggle like the children, make a wish upon a star And awe and wonder like the fools we are Oh oh oh oh