Well everything is better with some cows around Livin' in town sometimes brings me down Let me bestow this western blessing share what I have found May you always have cows around What else you gonna spend that extra money on What else is gonna get you up hours before dawn What else is gonna keep toiling on and on and on May you always have cows around C'mon you know that you got too much time on your hands Not merely enough complication in your plans You need to invite all the frustration that you can May you always have cows around Everything is better with some cows around Livin' in town sometimes brings me down Let me bestow this western blessing leave you saddle bound May you always have cow around What else can make the bishop swear like a sailor might? What else can cause such tension between a man and his wife? What else could ever bring all these enhancements to your life? May you always have cows around What else is gonna get out when ya don't close the gate What else'll make ya prematurely show your age? What else'll take a run at you in a fit of bovine rage? May you always have cows around Well everything is better with some cows around Livin' in town sometimes brings me down And although this western blessing leaves you cattle bound May you always have cows around What kinda cows Corb? Well there's Hereford, highland, semmental, west, black and Maine Anjou, chianina, limousine, shorthorn, charolais, watusi too, Texas long horn, kuri, any roan, ankole, galloway, red angus, brahman, brangus, jersey, guernsey, Holstein, Hey! Well ya mighta had to let em dig for oil and gas Ya mighta had to turn the place to an exotic game ranch Ya mighta had to do all things to raise the cash So you'd always have cows around How else ya gonna lose it all like daddy did What else will make sure you leave nothing for your kids? It's too late now you know it is you might as well admit That you'd a barely floatin, sentimental, masochisticness And that despite all the statistic and the advice that you get You will always have cows around Ya everything is better with some cows around Livin' in t own sometimes brings me down Well you won't know what you're missing till ya hear that sound May you always have cows around May you always have cows around Mooo moo