Tom: Em E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| -HOA OTRA VEZ ENFERMOS! ESTA ES A SEGUNDA PARTITURA DE ESTE GRUPO QUE PUBLICO, (A PRIMERA ES A DE "C N'T THINK YOU'D THE FIRST", PERO NO HE PUESTO E NOMBD EN ELA ). BUENO, A VER QUE TAL: -HI AGAIN! THIS IS THE SECOND TAB OF THIS BAND THAT I SUBE T,(THE FIRST ONE WAS "C N'T THINK YOU'D THE FIRST, BUT I HADN'T PUT MY NAME ON IT). OK, LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS WITH THIS ONE: E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| INTRO:(v=vibrato) E|--12v--10v--8v--7v--5v--3v--2v--0| / luego toca rapido Em (then, quickly play Em) E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| Em His family taught him right from wrong With local tales and children's songs Am Sunday school was his shelter D With his friends Joe and Walter Em Now those days seem far away An empty swing where he once played Am Now Bill's grown so fat and bold D He never thought that he'd grow old E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| -ESTRIBILLO(CHORUS) G C D And everyday when he gets the train G C D Looks out the window and thinks in vain C D Em(aqui la otra guitarra toca la intro)(here the If I could only be that boy again | other guitar plays the intro) E|-------------------------------| E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| Em His sales job it gets him down Same old faces, same old sounds Am Heart attacks, orthopaedic backs D Documents and labelled racks Em His wife can't stand the sight of him With his routine glass of gin Am She makes his lunch of processed ham D And waits in for the meter man E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| ESTRIBILLO(CHORUS): G C D And everyday when he gets the train G C D Looks out the window and thinks in vain C D Em(otra vez la intro la otra guitar)(the other If I could only be that boy again | guitar the intro again) E|------------------------| E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| G O E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-13-1212--13-1212--13-1212-9-13-1212----12-1010-8-12-10-8-8p7b-8p7b| G|-------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-13-1212--13-1212--13-1212-9-13-1212----12-1010-8-12-10-8-8p7b-8p7b| G|-------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------| E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| Am C D Em(la otra guitarra el punteo del intro)(the other If he could be that boy again | guitar plays the riff of the intro) E|---------------------------------------| Em Another day, another gin His kids don't even notice him Am Something different about his face D His happy smile seems out of place Em His family gathered round for tea Eyes fixed on their new telly C A news flash came, then it said D Bill McCai was just found dead E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| ESTRIBILLO(CHORUS): G C D No more windows, no more trains G C D Hung himself out in the rain C D Em(la otra guitarra la intro)(the other guitar Now he'll never be that boy again | plays the intro again) E|------------------------|- E|E|E|E|E|E|E|E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|||||||| And we say... Am C D Em(la otra guitarra la intro)(the other guitar plays the Bye bye Bill McCai | intro again) E|-------------| Am C D Em(la otra guitarra la intro)(the other guitar plays the Bye bye Bill McCai | intro again) E|-------------| Am C D Em Bye bye Bill McCai