
Broken World


An open heart in a broken world
Can be as dangerous as swallowing sore
But it's a risk that you have to take
If it's love that you hoping to taste

You'll face the good, the bad, and the ugly
Just don't forget you'll face them all with me
I know you've hurt before
Just don't lock your door
Thank God to the depth of you
Love heal your deepest wound
I say
Love heal your deepest wound

Don't know light till your darkest hour
Don't know sweet till you've tasted sour
So it is in love and pain
Want extreme bruise the other strength

But there are not equal
No love always with
Its cease all the beauty
And all ruins

I know you've hurt before
Just don't lock your door
Thank God to the depth of you
Love heals your deepest wound
I say
Love heals your deepest wound

And it's hard is it was
In all sure its cause
But you learn oh oh oh
You learn

Brutally true
As it teaches you
But you learn oh oh oh
Do you learn oh oh oh
Do you learn.