This is some of the lingua-fringa of da funk business, And people come from miles around with an almost religious Devotion to get on down..... -- chorus -- 1 2 3 4 get your woman on the floor Gotta gotta get up to get down Gotta gotta get up to get down Rhyme 1: What up everybody, so glad you're here It's coolio wit' the flow back in your ear This ain't the fantastic voyage, but I'm still on a mission, To see if I can get your attention Now I want to drop some information Just a little additive to your education I live my life by the code of the funk 600 watt amps, 18's in the trunk When I'm on the street, you gotta feel my beat, so Throw your hands up if you're down with the c Double o, l, i, o with the flow I'm lookin' for the party, so betta nigga know 1 2 3, it's like a b c If hip hop didn't pay, I'd rap for free Slide, slide, but that's that past I got sumpin' brand new for that ass -- chorus -- Rhyme 2: If you got beefed, then nigga eat a porkchop Once I get it goin', you know it don't stop I break like dandylocks, panties drop, From hood to hood, block to block Help, I need somebody To get it goin' on in this party Baby you can do it, take