
House Of Lies


How can I become a man of God when in my mind I'm a man of a million lovers?
All my secrets kept deep beneath the covers.
My eyes twitch and twist.
Oh what a mess my portrait has become.
What will I become?
My desire for love is tainted.
How am I the picture you painted?
My canvas is nothing.
My colors are disgusting.
It's haunting me.
I'm so terrified that I won't break free.
It follows me.
These earthly addictions are consuming me.
Corruption corrodes my true reflections.
What kind of gentleman possesses these intentions to hide these filthy afflictions?
Will I ever look at a woman in pure thought again, or will I fulfill these slutty fantasies in my head?

Am I imprisoned in this never ending sin?
Free me from lust.
Restore my innocence.
Sex sells!
I was born into a world of sin; predestined to let these voices in.
It's following me to the point of breaking.
My rotting soul is Your's for the taking.
She was my home.
The house of lust kept me warm at night but You pry open my eyes.
The house of lust was a house of lies.
I lost myself walking to a home that was burnt down years ago.
Don't let me wither away.
What will I become?