When our hands are tied Life presents us with another disgrace And unable to react I watch the grief parading before my eyes The look now empty by imposition of this course Lips who forgot what it was to smile The gaping deception in guiltless eyes And lastly the wreck of a naive embrace Grim is the dye that adorns its harmless soul It feels the pain of this tormenting world And for this life cries in vain Of vainly it all goes on So harrowing became its heart beat A loveless cadence of horrifying tunes Vanquished by the ache of fraternal scorn On the shore of dereliction she's aground Dragged by the dark mud of existence Succumbed in the struggle for not having more courage I'm just another dead weight Yes, that's what I am, only a fucking dead weight Memories of a dream that already does not belong to me Lost in my vast empire of pettiness