
Painful Screams


I stocked many insanes into rooms 
No difference between unconscious brains and animals 

I smash their bodies with chains 
I didn't show them the sun, they stayed in dark many days. 

I whipped them everyday 
To make their bodies rotten in every space 
I hear the most sufficient vocies of the universe, 

No satisfaction with the screams full of pain 
I pull of neils with panses 
I blow the acid to bleeding fingers 
The punishment of fainting mads 
are colored eyes in my collection 
I made them eat the penises I cut, 
unless I throw them to a room full of violent maggots 

This suffer will last forever 
Blood and scream makes me live 
Have you ever suffecated to any are? 

Have you ever washed yourself in a blody bath . 
I enjoy to make holes in the eyes 
I jailed many insane into rooms 
There's no difference between unthinkin' brains and... animals