
The Eye Of Revelation


Chiefs of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn, God Eternal what changes
After a long century the evil times return
The Antichrist will soon annihilate three countries
The war he will wage will last twenty seven years
Opponents will beput to death and prisoners deported
Blood from bodies will redden the water
The land will be riddled with blows

Mars threatens us with his warlike strength
Sevently times will he caused blood to flow
Fall and ruin of the clergy and more for those
Who will wish to understand nothing from them

The scythe joined to the pond towards
Sagittarius at the height of it's ascendant
Plague, famine, death by military land
The century approaches it's renewal
For forty years the Iris will not appear
For 40 years it will be seen every day
The arid earth will grow drier and
Great floods when it will appear