I remember when I learned in school 'Bout Gravity man, it was all so cool I had a teacher that knew it all She taught me how water can to a ball How buildings stick to the underside Of a ball that's spins like a carousel ride Man that all sounded crazy to me But I loved learning bout Gravity I could wait to tell my dad About the amazing day that I had He picked me up I was bursting with pride He opened the door and I jumped inside He smiled at me and said how was your day I said dad, I was blown away I learned about this magical thing But it's kinda got my head in a spin I learned about this Newton guy When an apple fell on his head he surmised That there must be a force that's pulling it down And everything's being sucked to the ground A force that sticks us all to this ball The people the buildings, the oceans and all And so it was written in history Newton had discovered Gravity Well he just looked at me and said Don't believe in Gravity Don't believe in fantasy Don't believe coz a theory's all it is It's never been proven but they teach it to the kids Well my dad felt a little bit sad for me When I mentioned that word gravity He said, have a little independent thought And question what you've just been taught I mean, how the hell can a ball that's spins Make a force so strong that sucks everything in Yet birds and insects fly uneffected Gravity must be selective Think about it logically Coz that don't make no sense to me Question all those preachers preach Question all those teachers teach You see Gravity's just a bunch of bull That Newton guy is just a lying fool These guys like Newton shouldn't be trusted Their freemasonic lies have been busted In fact my boy it's density And that's why things fall down you see An object always falls to the ground If it's heavier than the air that surrounds If it's lighter than air then it'll rise And will keep on floating up to the skies Thats what's known as boyancy And that makes more sense than Gravity He said I'm sorry son for bursting your bubble But that kinda thinkin can get you in trouble These theories they try to put in your head It's all just pseudoscience he said They'll have you believing in all kinds of crap That Gravity nonsense belongs in the trash Believe me when I say to you There ain't no Gravity and that's the truth Well my daddy made me think that day He made me think in a different way I did some thinking for myself I put that theory back on the shelf That gravity crap is indoctrination Not truthful trusted information People need to wake up and see That there ain't no such thing as Gravity