Goddamn this is madness it's the fourth consecutive week I've had this reoccuring nightmare of a woman who tries to walk her child to daycare they pass a liquor store see an average looking kid running out the door in a moment frozen they watch as he reveals a handgun terror in her voice no sound he unloads a round her son goes down then I wake up screaming but am I dreaming cause it's just another day so many killings repeated until people have no feeling when every two years guns take more American lives than the whole Vietnam war Six teens and children die every day in gun homicides and the NRA lobby fool pay athletes to tell kids to stay in school whoever said that must be joking go tell that to the kids in Oakland, DC, Detroit and Newark and you wonder why kids don't do their homework the school is a war zone teachers and students alike are afraid to leave home hallways are an innocent tomb the principal's office a grieving room this is a malignant cancer guards and metal detectors won't be the answer hundreds of thousands of students say they carry guns to school daily growing up with fear and panic Chorus It's Genocide - America has the most homicides - Society devouring it's own young - Take away the guns we need gun control How can we stop the violence when everywhere we look is the image of gun death the Rodney King explosion is just one result of inner city erosion take away all hope and kids will turn to robbery and dealing dope you don't care about elections what urban youth want is protection from a life of war could be the Iraqi war or war in the Fillmore there is no more tragic sight than a heavily armed youth with no respect for life. The leading cause of death in African American males under thirty five at the funeral the friends will cry but on the street they tool and die and Hollywood has done more than anyone to glamorise the gun movies, music and TV. It's genocide... can't you see... Got to take the profit out of crime, stop glamorising death on prime time. Cities are the only places where kids are waging arms races in suburbs and rural areas. Across the country kids are carrying three more hours and another teenage youth will have committed suicide while his mother's crying gun advocates are on TV lying to the public about how people are the ones who kill and guns don't until we have gun control we can't stop these ten year olds from going in their father's closet where the gun was left unlocked and loaded. Where does it end? When everyone's got their own piece, dividend Chorus Take away the guns we need gun control Driving down Guerrero cut off a psycho kid looked like Sendero Luminoso, words were froze so I don't start talking shit and acting macho you could get popped in a minute this is the wild, wild west and we're in it and my kids don't want to play when they have to worry about ducking sprays or two drunks having an argument in front of our apartment when I hear that sound I yell everyone get inside and get down Chorus