Conscious Dysphoria

Front Guard

Conscious Dysphoria

Lost in the depths of the mind
In searching of a clarity
Inexhaustible resource mentality
As well i know  that no one
Will understand it

The indifferent will pass by me and
I'll continue my inspired speach
And they will anchors in their false kingdoms
I will stand for a moment
Keep talking for a while
Since no one will listen ...

Later, they will envy me
And show me their
False friendship

Do you know what it feels when
You scream in someone's ear?
And then i see the dull eyes

On the other hand, is what i have to
Say   really important?
Is everything important has already
Been said, written, shouted?

I think it's better not to think about it.
I think i would just stay in the middle of
Nowhere and shout for a while.