Would you lend a helping hand to some poor sinner man Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Would you stop and try to save on your journey to the grave Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Are you walking (are you walking) are you talking (are you talking) Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Are you traveling in his light every day and every night Are you walking and a talking for the Lord If your soul said testify would the world hear you reply Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Would you stop and shout his name or just bow your head in shame Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Are you walking (are you walking)... [ guitar ] Now when the time has come to go will your road be white as snow Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Will he take you by the hand lead you to that promised land Are you walking and a talking for the Lord Are you walking (are you walking)...